As I was saying...
If I were in charge, all library branches would be open on holidays and weekends, and open until 9 two days a week (if safe).
If I were in charge, I'd use surveillance cameras to catch graffiti vandals and force them to do community service cleaning up buses and bus stops.
If I were in charge, cigarettes would be a controlled substance, and smoking in any public place, even outdoors, would be forbidden. To those who say this is unreasonable, I hope you never get trapped in a bus shelter on a rainy day with a smoker.
If I were in charge, people on public assistance would not be able to buy snack foods, soft drinks, and prepackaged crap such as Lunchables. Don't use my tax money on that.
If I were in charge, I'd find some way to make voters who approve sports facilities pay triple taxes to pay it off.
If I was in charge, if you're from another country and you want us to change our laws to "respect" your culture, I'd send you the hell back home.
If I was in charge, you couldn't graduate from high school unless you knew how to sew on a button, fix a flat tire, re-wire a table lamp, cook a meal from scratch, and balance a checkbook.
If I was in charge, Election Day would be a public holiday. When you vote, you have to answer 10 civic questions. Miss three of them and your vote doesn't count.
If I was in charge, school teachers would earn as much as bus drivers.
If I was in charge, military service would be mandatory for both sexes. Conscientious Objectors and the disabled could serve in hospitals or non-combat positions.